JunkYard Racing

The Rules

The Rules
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The Track
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The basic rules are on the front page. Here is a more detailed set of rules for the creative among us:

(The intent here is not to limit creativity but to keep the field generally competitive and most of all - SAFE!!. If you have an idea that you think may be borderline please ask me. If you show up with something illegal, your times won’t count and if it isn’t safe you won’t be allowed to race at all! Check this page every once in a while as I will modify it as new rules are needed.)

* Part Limitations: No R/C car assemblies like chassis or transmissions. Individual parts like  

  wheels or tires are ok.

* A legal motor is one that is scavenged from a household appliance or tool. 

* A legal motor can be your only source of power, i.e. what is getting your vehicle down the track.  (and no Mr. Nate Penske, no rocket engines.)

*110 Volts AC will be supplied via an extension cord.  Do with it whatever you like, as long as it

  still  powers a legal motor and stays under the current limit (15 amps).

* The racers may be stopped by padding and have to be able to survive an abrupt stop without

  blowing up.  There will be at least 10’ of track to slow down after the finish line.

* Your racer cannot do anything to effect the other racer on the track.  No sabotage!

* There is a small $20 entry fee to help build the track.  Anything extra will go to the winner!!  This needs to be paid when you sign up. 

* Keep your designs safe!!!!  No flames, and make sure nothing is going to fly off, ok?  If it isn't safe it won't race, period.


Remember, creative is good, cheating is bad!

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